Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Analytical Response A. A Small Good Thing

Journey of Ann Weiss
The day was her son Scotty's birthday. A cake was called in and everything was going to be perfect. The day was going to be all about Scotty. The the accident happened and Scotty was badly hit by a car. Ann stayed day and night along Scotty's side while at the hospital. The doctors would continuously come to check on Scotty and Ann constantly would badger them into telling her about Scotty and if he was going into a coma etc. She would refuse to eat, didn't want to sleep it always had to be about scotty and herself. Her husband tried to help and she was occupied with being with Scotty. She eventually meet a family that was also a waiting to here from their Franklin who was in surgery. She saw the expressions on their faces and the sadness that shown through. She realized she wasn't the only one with a troubled child. She began to understand that others are in her same position and went back to see Franklin's family and found that he didn't survive. Scotty ended up dying but along the way Ann realized she wasn't the only experiencing pain.

1 comment:

Tmart said...

Be careful of typos here. The map is also missing here...