Sunday, November 25, 2007

Creative Response: A

Me: O hey Jack, how are you buddy?
Jack: Michael! how good to see you, what are you doing here.
Me: Well we are at borders, I think its pretty obvious that I'm thinking about getting a
book...what about you Jack?
Jack: Ooo Michael, you are always such a pain in the ass. I'm actually just looking around at
some books...I dont plan on getting one to be honest...
Me: Well what do you got in your hand there Jack? What book is that?
Jack: ...O this, its nothing. I just picked it of the floor, its just some stupid book.
Me: Wellll, what is it, let me get a look at it
Jack: Why? Its just a book Mike...nothing important.
Me: Come on dude let me see it!
Jack: What the big deal, will you back off and give me my space bro!
(Michael and Jack start arguing and struggle with eachother to see the book, Michael finally rips the book out of his hand)
Me: "The joy of having a baby"...Jack...?
(Jack blushing and ashamed)
Jack: Are you happy now?
Me: I thought you told me once that you and Fran had no interest in having a baby?
Jack: I did...its just that I am so happy right now with Fran but I still feel that I am missing
something in my life.
Me: Why? What compelled you to feel this way man?
Jack: To be honest...alright to be honest put it all out on the table...Its Bud, Bud and
Olla's life. You know I always find myself criticizing them and criticizing Fran's looks and
their "unhappiness". But in the end you know what is so special that they have that I
don't? They have a family. They have a union and connection that I take for granted.
Me: Are you crying Jack?
Jack: No! I have some dust in my both of them...a lot of dust.
Me: Well are you thinking about having a baby then?
Jack: I dont know. I mean look at Bud and Olla's baby...I mean dude come on, that thing
looks like road kill.
Me: Take it easy take it easy
Jack: I know I'm just playin' with ya' dawg. But seriosuly Fran is so dam beautiful and if we
decided to have a think she would end up like Olla? With buck-nasty teeth?
Me: Jack all I can tell you that regardless, you always have a love for your baby, even if he is
ugly as hell.
Jack: Ok, well maybe I'll actually read this book then...I gotta' give this some time
Me: Yah you do that man, think about it...I have to get guy is on soon.
Jack: Ok thanks buddy, see you later gator.
Me: Bye
(Michael walks away laughing to himself thinking about how Jack cried)

1 comment:

Tmart said...

An interesting imaginary dialogue. It is a good question you explore in it. What is it about that dinner that provokes them to want to have a child of their own. Also, why does their marriage not work out quite as well? What is Carver trying to suggest by this (also thinking about the peacock in this light?)